Interface MapAuthEventEntity

All Superinterfaces:
AbstractEntity, ExpirableEntity, UpdatableEntity
All Known Implementing Classes:
HotRodAuthEventEntity.AbstractHotRodAuthEventEntityDelegate, HotRodAuthEventEntityDelegate, JpaAuthEventEntity, JpaAuthEventMetadata, MapAuthEventEntity.AbstractAuthEventEntity, MapAuthEventEntityDelegate, MapAuthEventEntityFieldDelegate, MapAuthEventEntityImpl, MapAuthEventEntityImpl.Empty

public interface MapAuthEventEntity extends UpdatableEntity, AbstractEntity, ExpirableEntity
  • Method Details

    • getTimestamp

      Long getTimestamp()
      Returns a point in time (timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch) when the event entity was created.
      a timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch or null when the time is unknown
    • setTimestamp

      void setTimestamp(Long timestamp)
      Sets a point in the (timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch) when the event entity was created.
      timestamp - a timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch or null when the time is unknown
    • getType

      EventType getType()
    • setType

      void setType(EventType type)
    • getRealmId

      String getRealmId()
    • setRealmId

      void setRealmId(String realmId)
    • getClientId

      String getClientId()
    • setClientId

      void setClientId(String clientId)
    • getUserId

      String getUserId()
    • setUserId

      void setUserId(String userId)
    • getSessionId

      String getSessionId()
    • setSessionId

      void setSessionId(String sessionId)
    • getIpAddress

      String getIpAddress()
    • setIpAddress

      void setIpAddress(String ipAddress)
    • getError

      String getError()
    • setError

      void setError(String error)
    • getDetails

      Map<String,String> getDetails()
    • setDetails

      void setDetails(Map<String,String> details)