Interface MapUserSessionEntity

All Superinterfaces:
AbstractEntity, ExpirableEntity, UpdatableEntity
All Known Implementing Classes:
HotRodUserSessionEntity.AbstractHotRodUserSessionEntityDelegate, HotRodUserSessionEntityDelegate, JpaUserSessionEntity, JpaUserSessionMetadata, MapUserSessionEntity.AbstractUserSessionEntity, MapUserSessionEntityDelegate, MapUserSessionEntityFieldDelegate, MapUserSessionEntityImpl, MapUserSessionEntityImpl.Empty

public interface MapUserSessionEntity extends AbstractEntity, UpdatableEntity, ExpirableEntity
Martin Kanis
  • Method Details

    • getRealmId

      String getRealmId()
    • setRealmId

      void setRealmId(String realmId)
    • getUserId

      String getUserId()
    • setUserId

      void setUserId(String userId)
    • getBrokerSessionId

      String getBrokerSessionId()
    • setBrokerSessionId

      void setBrokerSessionId(String brokerSessionId)
    • getBrokerUserId

      String getBrokerUserId()
    • setBrokerUserId

      void setBrokerUserId(String brokerUserId)
    • getLoginUsername

      String getLoginUsername()
    • setLoginUsername

      void setLoginUsername(String loginUsername)
    • getIpAddress

      String getIpAddress()
    • setIpAddress

      void setIpAddress(String ipAddress)
    • getAuthMethod

      String getAuthMethod()
    • setAuthMethod

      void setAuthMethod(String authMethod)
    • isRememberMe

      Boolean isRememberMe()
    • setRememberMe

      void setRememberMe(Boolean rememberMe)
    • getTimestamp

      Long getTimestamp()
      Returns a point in time (timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch) when the user session entity was created.
      a timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch or null when the time is unknown
    • setTimestamp

      void setTimestamp(Long timestamp)
      Sets a point in the (timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch) when the user session entity was created.
      timestamp - a timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch or null when the time is unknown
    • getLastSessionRefresh

      Long getLastSessionRefresh()
      Returns a point in time (timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch) when the user session entity was last refreshed.
      a timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch or null when the time is unknown
    • setLastSessionRefresh

      void setLastSessionRefresh(Long lastSessionRefresh)
      Sets a point in the (timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch) when the user session entity was last refreshed.
      lastSessionRefresh - a timestamp in milliseconds since The Epoch or null when the time is unknown
    • getNotes

      Map<String,String> getNotes()
    • getNote

      String getNote(String name)
    • setNotes

      void setNotes(Map<String,String> notes)
    • removeNote

      Boolean removeNote(String name)
    • setNote

      void setNote(String name, String value)
    • getState

    • setState

      void setState(UserSessionModel.State state)
    • getAuthenticatedClientSessions

      Set<MapAuthenticatedClientSessionEntity> getAuthenticatedClientSessions()
    • getAuthenticatedClientSession

      Optional<MapAuthenticatedClientSessionEntity> getAuthenticatedClientSession(String clientUUID)
    • addAuthenticatedClientSession

      void addAuthenticatedClientSession(MapAuthenticatedClientSessionEntity clientSession)
    • removeAuthenticatedClientSession

      Boolean removeAuthenticatedClientSession(String clientUUID)
    • clearAuthenticatedClientSessions

      void clearAuthenticatedClientSessions()
    • isOffline

      Boolean isOffline()
    • setOffline

      void setOffline(Boolean offline)
    • getPersistenceState

    • setPersistenceState

      void setPersistenceState(UserSessionModel.SessionPersistenceState persistenceState)