Class AdapterConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AdapterConfig extends BaseAdapterConfig implements AdapterHttpClientConfig
Configuration for Java based adapters
$Revision: 1 $
Bill Burke, Brad Culley, John D. Ament
  • Field Details

    • allowAnyHostname

      protected boolean allowAnyHostname
    • disableTrustManager

      protected boolean disableTrustManager
    • truststore

      protected String truststore
    • truststorePassword

      protected String truststorePassword
    • clientKeystore

      protected String clientKeystore
    • clientKeystorePassword

      protected String clientKeystorePassword
    • clientKeyPassword

      protected String clientKeyPassword
    • connectionPoolSize

      protected int connectionPoolSize
    • alwaysRefreshToken

      protected boolean alwaysRefreshToken
    • registerNodeAtStartup

      protected boolean registerNodeAtStartup
    • registerNodePeriod

      protected int registerNodePeriod
    • tokenStore

      protected String tokenStore
    • tokenCookiePath

      protected String tokenCookiePath
    • principalAttribute

      protected String principalAttribute
    • turnOffChangeSessionIdOnLogin

      protected Boolean turnOffChangeSessionIdOnLogin
    • tokenMinimumTimeToLive

      protected int tokenMinimumTimeToLive
    • minTimeBetweenJwksRequests

      protected int minTimeBetweenJwksRequests
    • publicKeyCacheTtl

      protected int publicKeyCacheTtl
    • policyEnforcerConfig

      protected PolicyEnforcerConfig policyEnforcerConfig
    • pkce

      protected boolean pkce
    • ignoreOAuthQueryParameter

      protected boolean ignoreOAuthQueryParameter
    • verifyTokenAudience

      protected boolean verifyTokenAudience
    • socketTimeout

      protected long socketTimeout
    • connectionTimeout

      protected long connectionTimeout
    • connectionTTL

      protected long connectionTTL
    • proxyUrl

      protected String proxyUrl
      The Proxy url to use for requests to the auth-server, configurable via the adapter config property proxy-url.
  • Constructor Details

    • AdapterConfig

      public AdapterConfig()
  • Method Details

    • isAllowAnyHostname

      public boolean isAllowAnyHostname()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns boolean flag whether any hostname verification is done on the server's certificate, true means that verification is not done.
      Specified by:
      isAllowAnyHostname in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setAllowAnyHostname

      public void setAllowAnyHostname(boolean allowAnyHostname)
    • isDisableTrustManager

      public boolean isDisableTrustManager()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns boolean flag whether any trust management and hostname verification is done.

      NOTE Disabling trust manager is a security hole, so only set this option if you cannot or do not want to verify the identity of the host you are communicating with.

      Specified by:
      isDisableTrustManager in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setDisableTrustManager

      public void setDisableTrustManager(boolean disableTrustManager)
    • getTruststore

      public String getTruststore()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns truststore filename.
      Specified by:
      getTruststore in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setTruststore

      public void setTruststore(String truststore)
    • getTruststorePassword

      public String getTruststorePassword()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns truststore password.
      Specified by:
      getTruststorePassword in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setTruststorePassword

      public void setTruststorePassword(String truststorePassword)
    • getClientKeystore

      public String getClientKeystore()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns keystore with client keys.
      Specified by:
      getClientKeystore in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setClientKeystore

      public void setClientKeystore(String clientKeystore)
    • getClientKeystorePassword

      public String getClientKeystorePassword()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns keystore password.
      Specified by:
      getClientKeystorePassword in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setClientKeystorePassword

      public void setClientKeystorePassword(String clientKeystorePassword)
    • getClientKeyPassword

      public String getClientKeyPassword()
    • setClientKeyPassword

      public void setClientKeyPassword(String clientKeyPassword)
    • getConnectionPoolSize

      public int getConnectionPoolSize()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns size of connection pool.
      Specified by:
      getConnectionPoolSize in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setConnectionPoolSize

      public void setConnectionPoolSize(int connectionPoolSize)
    • isAlwaysRefreshToken

      public boolean isAlwaysRefreshToken()
    • setAlwaysRefreshToken

      public void setAlwaysRefreshToken(boolean alwaysRefreshToken)
    • isRegisterNodeAtStartup

      public boolean isRegisterNodeAtStartup()
    • setRegisterNodeAtStartup

      public void setRegisterNodeAtStartup(boolean registerNodeAtStartup)
    • getRegisterNodePeriod

      public int getRegisterNodePeriod()
    • setRegisterNodePeriod

      public void setRegisterNodePeriod(int registerNodePeriod)
    • getTokenStore

      public String getTokenStore()
    • setTokenStore

      public void setTokenStore(String tokenStore)
    • getTokenCookiePath

      public String getTokenCookiePath()
    • setTokenCookiePath

      public void setTokenCookiePath(String tokenCookiePath)
    • getPrincipalAttribute

      public String getPrincipalAttribute()
    • setPrincipalAttribute

      public void setPrincipalAttribute(String principalAttribute)
    • getTurnOffChangeSessionIdOnLogin

      public Boolean getTurnOffChangeSessionIdOnLogin()
    • setTurnOffChangeSessionIdOnLogin

      public void setTurnOffChangeSessionIdOnLogin(Boolean turnOffChangeSessionIdOnLogin)
    • getPolicyEnforcerConfig

      public PolicyEnforcerConfig getPolicyEnforcerConfig()
    • setPolicyEnforcerConfig

      public void setPolicyEnforcerConfig(PolicyEnforcerConfig policyEnforcerConfig)
    • getProxyUrl

      public String getProxyUrl()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns URL of HTTP proxy.
      Specified by:
      getProxyUrl in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setProxyUrl

      public void setProxyUrl(String proxyUrl)
    • getTokenMinimumTimeToLive

      public int getTokenMinimumTimeToLive()
    • setTokenMinimumTimeToLive

      public void setTokenMinimumTimeToLive(int tokenMinimumTimeToLive)
    • getMinTimeBetweenJwksRequests

      public int getMinTimeBetweenJwksRequests()
    • setMinTimeBetweenJwksRequests

      public void setMinTimeBetweenJwksRequests(int minTimeBetweenJwksRequests)
    • getPublicKeyCacheTtl

      public int getPublicKeyCacheTtl()
    • setPublicKeyCacheTtl

      public void setPublicKeyCacheTtl(int publicKeyCacheTtl)
    • isPkce

      public boolean isPkce()
    • setPkce

      public void setPkce(boolean pkce)
    • isIgnoreOAuthQueryParameter

      public boolean isIgnoreOAuthQueryParameter()
    • setIgnoreOAuthQueryParameter

      public void setIgnoreOAuthQueryParameter(boolean ignoreOAuthQueryParameter)
    • isVerifyTokenAudience

      public boolean isVerifyTokenAudience()
    • setVerifyTokenAudience

      public void setVerifyTokenAudience(boolean verifyTokenAudience)
    • getSocketTimeout

      public long getSocketTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns timeout for socket waiting for data in milliseconds.
      Specified by:
      getSocketTimeout in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setSocketTimeout

      public void setSocketTimeout(long socketTimeout)
    • getConnectionTimeout

      public long getConnectionTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns timeout for establishing the connection with the remote host in milliseconds.
      Specified by:
      getConnectionTimeout in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setConnectionTimeout

      public void setConnectionTimeout(long connectionTimeout)
    • getConnectionTTL

      public long getConnectionTTL()
      Description copied from interface: AdapterHttpClientConfig
      Returns the connection time-to-live
      Specified by:
      getConnectionTTL in interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
    • setConnectionTTL

      public void setConnectionTTL(long connectionTTL)
    • getRealmInfoUrl

      public String getRealmInfoUrl()