Class RegistrationEmailAsUsernameUsernameValueValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Provider, ProviderFactory<Validator>, SimpleValidator, Validator, ValidatorFactory

public class RegistrationEmailAsUsernameUsernameValueValidator extends Object implements SimpleValidator
Validator to check User Profile username attribute value during Registration when "RegistrationEmailAsUsername()" is enabled. Expects List of Strings as input.
Vlastimil Elias <>
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RegistrationEmailAsUsernameUsernameValueValidator

      public RegistrationEmailAsUsernameUsernameValueValidator()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in interface ProviderFactory<Validator>
    • validate

      public ValidationContext validate(Object input, String inputHint, ValidationContext context, ValidatorConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: Validator
      Validates the given input with an additional inputHint and config.
      Specified by:
      validate in interface Validator
      input - the value to validate
      inputHint - an optional input hint to guide the validation
      context - the validation context
      config - parameterization for the current validation
      the validation context with the outcome of the validation