Class JpaUpdate24_0_2_FederatedTermsAndConditionsRequiredAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
liquibase.change.custom.CustomChange, liquibase.change.custom.CustomSqlChange

public class JpaUpdate24_0_2_FederatedTermsAndConditionsRequiredAction extends CustomKeycloakTask
Custom liquibase change to migrate legacy terms and conditions required action for federated users (table FED_USER_REQUIRED_ACTION, in line with what JpaUpdate21_0_2_TermsAndConditionsRequiredAction did to migrate the same action for regular users.

The legacy value was in lowercase, and it was changed to upper case to match the other required actions in Keycloak. This class ensures that the legacy action set for federated users is properly migrated to upper case when upgrading the server.
Stefan Guilhen
  • Constructor Details

    • JpaUpdate24_0_2_FederatedTermsAndConditionsRequiredAction

      public JpaUpdate24_0_2_FederatedTermsAndConditionsRequiredAction()
  • Method Details

    • generateStatementsImpl

      protected void generateStatementsImpl() throws liquibase.exception.CustomChangeException
      Description copied from class: CustomKeycloakTask
      It's supposed to fill SQL statements to the "statements" variable and fill "confirmationMessage"
      Specified by:
      generateStatementsImpl in class CustomKeycloakTask
    • getTaskId

      protected String getTaskId()
      Specified by:
      getTaskId in class CustomKeycloakTask