Interface MapStorageWithAuth<V extends AbstractEntity,​M>

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface MapStorageWithAuth<V extends AbstractEntity,​M>
    extends MapStorage<V,​M>
    A map store that can authenticate the credentials provided by a user.
    Alexander Schwartz
    • Method Detail

      • authenticate

        MapCredentialValidationOutput<V> authenticate​(RealmModel realm,
                                                      CredentialInput input)
        Authenticate a user with the provided input credentials. Use this, for example, for Kerberos SPNEGO authentication, where the user will be determined at the end of the interaction with the client.
        realm - realm against which to authenticate against
        input - information provided by the user
        Information on how to continue the conversion with the client, or a terminal result. For a successful authentication, will also contain information about the user.