Class GeneratedColumnStatement

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GeneratedColumnStatement
    extends liquibase.statement.core.AddColumnStatement
    A SqlStatement that extends the standard AddColumnStatement to include properties to either identify the JSON column and JSON property or a column name (hashOf) to be used for hashing that are to be used to generated the values for the column being added.
    Stefan Guilhen
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getHashOf()
      Obtains the column name (hashOf) to be used as the value for hashing for the new column.
      String getJsonColumn()
      Obtains the name of the column that holds JSON files.
      String getJsonProperty()
      Obtains the name of the property in the JSON file whose value is to be used as the generated value for the new column.
      • Methods inherited from class liquibase.statement.core.AddColumnStatement

        getAddAfterColumn, getAddAtPosition, getAddBeforeColumn, getAutoIncrementConstraint, getCatalogName, getColumnName, getColumns, getColumnType, getComputed, getConstraints, getDefaultValue, getDefaultValueConstraintName, getRemarks, getSchemaName, getTableName, getUniqueStatementName, isAutoIncrement, isMultiple, isNullable, isPrimaryKey, isUnique, setAddAfterColumn, setAddAtPosition, setAddBeforeColumn, setComputed, setDefaultValueConstraintName, shouldValidateNullable, shouldValidatePrimaryKey, shouldValidateUnique
      • Methods inherited from class liquibase.statement.AbstractSqlStatement

        continueOnError, setContinueOnError, skipOnUnsupported
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneratedColumnStatement

        public GeneratedColumnStatement​(liquibase.statement.core.AddColumnStatement statement,
                                        String jsonColumn,
                                        String jsonProperty,
                                        String hashOf)
    • Method Detail

      • getJsonColumn

        public String getJsonColumn()
        Obtains the name of the column that holds JSON files.
        the name of the JSON column.
      • getJsonProperty

        public String getJsonProperty()
        Obtains the name of the property in the JSON file whose value is to be used as the generated value for the new column.
        the name of the JSON property.
      • getHashOf

        public String getHashOf()
        Obtains the column name (hashOf) to be used as the value for hashing for the new column.