Class DeepCloner.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class DeepCloner.Builder extends Object
Builder for the DeepCloner helper class.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • build

      public DeepCloner build()
      Returns a DeepCloner initialized with the respective constructors and cloners.
    • constructor

      public <V> DeepCloner.Builder constructor(Class<V> clazz, Function<DeepCloner,? extends V> constructor)
      Adds a method, often a constructor, that instantiates a record of type V.
      Type Parameters:
      V - Class or interface that would be instantiated by the given methods
      clazz - Class or interface that would be instantiated by the given methods
      constructor - Function that creates a new instance of class V. If null, such a single-parameter constructor is not available.
      This builder.
    • delegateCreator

      public <V> DeepCloner.Builder delegateCreator(Class<V> clazz, DeepCloner.EntityFieldDelegateCreator<V> delegateCreator)
      Adds a method that instantiates an per-field delegate of type V.
      Type Parameters:
      V - Class or interface that would be instantiated by the given methods
      clazz - Class or interface that would be instantiated by the given methods
      delegateCreator - Function that creates a new instance of class V. If null, such a single-parameter constructor is not available.
      This builder.
    • delegateCreator

      public <V> DeepCloner.Builder delegateCreator(Class<V> clazz, DeepCloner.DelegateCreator<V> delegateCreator)
      Adds a method, often a constructor, that instantiates a delegate of type V.
      Type Parameters:
      V - Class or interface that would be instantiated by the given methods
      clazz - Class or interface that would be instantiated by the given methods
      delegateCreator - Function that creates a new instance of class V. If null, such a single-parameter constructor is not available.
      This builder.
    • cloner

      public <V> DeepCloner.Builder cloner(Class<? extends V> clazz, DeepCloner.Cloner<?> cloner)
      Adds a method that copies (as in a deep copy) an object properties from one object to another
      Type Parameters:
      V - Class or interface whose instance would be copied over to another instance by the given cloner
      clazz - Class or interface whose instance would be copied over to another instance by the given cloner
      cloner - A method for cloning with the following signature: V deepClone(V from, V to) which copies properties of an object from onto the object to. This function usually returns to
      This builder.
    • cloner

      public <V> DeepCloner.Builder cloner(Class<? extends V> clazz, DeepCloner.Cloner<?> clonerWithId, DeepCloner.Cloner<?> clonerWithoutId)
      Adds a method that copies (as in a deep copy) an object properties from one object to another
      Type Parameters:
      V - Class or interface whose instance would be copied over to another instance by the given cloner
      clazz - Class or interface whose instance would be copied over to another instance by the given cloner
      clonerWithId - A method for cloning with the following signature: V deepClone(V from, V to) which copies properties of an object from onto the object to. This function usually returns to
      This builder.
    • genericCloner

      public <V> DeepCloner.Builder genericCloner(DeepCloner.Cloner<V> genericCloner)
      Adds a method that copies (as in a deep copy) an object properties to another object for any class that is not covered by a specific cloner set via #cloner(Class, BiFunction) method.
      Type Parameters:
      V - Class or interface whose instance would be copied over to another instance by the given cloner
      genericCloner - A method for cloning which copies properties of an object onto another object. This function usually returns to
      This builder.