Interface ResourceServer

All Known Implementing Classes:
ResourceServerAdapter, ResourceServerAdapter

public interface ResourceServer
Represents a resource server, whose resources are managed and protected. A resource server is basically an existing client application in Keycloak that will also act as a resource server.
Pedro Igor
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the unique identifier for this instance.
      the unique identifier for this instance
    • isAllowRemoteResourceManagement

      boolean isAllowRemoteResourceManagement()
      Indicates if the resource server is allowed to manage its own resources remotely using the Protection API.
      true if the resource server is allowed to managed them remotely
    • setAllowRemoteResourceManagement

      void setAllowRemoteResourceManagement(boolean allowRemoteResourceManagement)
      Indicates if the resource server is allowed to manage its own resources remotely using the Protection API.
      allowRemoteResourceManagement - true if the resource server is allowed to managed them remotely
    • getPolicyEnforcementMode

      PolicyEnforcementMode getPolicyEnforcementMode()
      Returns the PolicyEnforcementMode configured for this instance.
      the PolicyEnforcementMode configured for this instance.
    • setPolicyEnforcementMode

      void setPolicyEnforcementMode(PolicyEnforcementMode enforcementMode)
      Defines a PolicyEnforcementMode for this instance.
      enforcementMode - one of the available options in PolicyEnforcementMode
    • setDecisionStrategy

      void setDecisionStrategy(DecisionStrategy decisionStrategy)
      Defines a DecisionStrategy for this instance, indicating how permissions should be granted depending on the given decisionStrategy.
      decisionStrategy - the decision strategy
    • getDecisionStrategy

      DecisionStrategy getDecisionStrategy()
      Returns the DecisionStrategy configured for this instance.
      the decision strategy
    • getClientId

      String getClientId()
      Returns id of a client that this ResourceServer is associated with
      id of client