Class AbstractStorageManager<ProviderType extends Provider,StorageProviderModelType extends CacheableStorageProviderModel>

Type Parameters:
ProviderType - This type will be used for looking for factories that produce instances of desired providers
StorageProviderModelType - Type of model used for creating provider, it needs to extend CacheableStorageProviderModel as it has isEnabled() method and also extend PrioritizedComponentModel which is required for sorting providers based on its priorities
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClientScopeStorageManager, GroupStorageManager, UserCredentialManager, UserStorageManager

public abstract class AbstractStorageManager<ProviderType extends Provider,StorageProviderModelType extends CacheableStorageProviderModel> extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getStorageProviderTimeout

      protected Long getStorageProviderTimeout()
    • getStorageProviderFactory

      protected <T extends ProviderType> ComponentFactory<T,ProviderType> getStorageProviderFactory(String providerId)
      Returns a factory with the providerId, which produce instances of type CreatedProviderType
      providerId - id of factory that produce desired instances
      A factory that implements ComponentFactory<CreatedProviderType, ProviderType>
    • getEnabledStorageProviders

      protected <T> Stream<T> getEnabledStorageProviders(RealmModel realm, Class<T> capabilityInterface)
      Returns stream of all storageProviders within the realm that implements the capabilityInterface.
      realm - realm
      capabilityInterface - class of desired capabilityInterface. For example, GroupLookupProvider or UserQueryProvider
      enabled storage providers for realm and @{code getProviderTypeClass()}
    • flatMapEnabledStorageProvidersWithTimeout

      protected <R, T> Stream<R> flatMapEnabledStorageProvidersWithTimeout(RealmModel realm, Class<T> capabilityInterface, Function<T,? extends Stream<R>> applyFunction)
      Gets all enabled StorageProviders that implements the capabilityInterface, applies applyFunction on each of them and then join the results together. !! Each StorageProvider has a limited time to respond, if it fails to do it, empty stream is returned !!
      Type Parameters:
      R - result of applyFunction
      realm - realm
      capabilityInterface - class of desired capabilityInterface. For example, GroupLookupProvider or UserQueryProvider
      applyFunction - function that is applied on StorageProviders
      a stream with all results from all StorageProviders
    • mapEnabledStorageProvidersWithTimeout

      protected <R, T> Stream<R> mapEnabledStorageProvidersWithTimeout(RealmModel realm, Class<T> capabilityInterface, Function<T,R> applyFunction)
      Gets all enabled StorageProviders that implements the capabilityInterface, applies applyFunction on each of them and returns the stream. !! Each StorageProvider has a limited time to respond, if it fails to do it, null is returned !!
      Type Parameters:
      R - Result of applyFunction
      realm - realm
      capabilityInterface - class of desired capabilityInterface. For example, GroupLookupProvider or UserQueryProvider
      applyFunction - function that is applied on StorageProviders
      First result from StorageProviders
    • consumeEnabledStorageProvidersWithTimeout

      protected <T> void consumeEnabledStorageProvidersWithTimeout(RealmModel realm, Class<T> capabilityInterface, Consumer<T> consumer)
      Gets all enabled StorageProviders that implements the capabilityInterface and call applyFunction on each !! Each StorageProvider has a limited time for consuming !!
      realm - realm
      capabilityInterface - class of desired capabilityInterface. For example, GroupLookupProvider or UserQueryProvider
      consumer - function that is applied on StorageProviders
    • getStorageProviderInstance

      protected <T> T getStorageProviderInstance(RealmModel realm, String providerId, Class<T> capabilityInterface)
    • getStorageProviderInstance

      protected <T> T getStorageProviderInstance(RealmModel realm, String providerId, Class<T> capabilityInterface, boolean includeDisabled)
      Returns an instance of provider with the providerId within the realm or null if storage provider with providerId doesn't implement capabilityInterface.
      realm - realm
      providerId - id of ComponentModel within database/storage
      capabilityInterface - class of desired capabilityInterface. For example, GroupLookupProvider or UserQueryProvider
      an instance of type CreatedProviderType or null if storage provider with providerId doesn't implement capabilityInterface
    • getStorageProviderModel

      protected StorageProviderModelType getStorageProviderModel(RealmModel realm, String providerId)
      Returns an instance of StorageProvider model corresponding realm and providerId
      realm - Realm.
      providerId - Id of desired provider.
      An instance of type StorageProviderModelType
    • getStorageProviderInstance

      protected <T> T getStorageProviderInstance(StorageProviderModelType model, Class<T> capabilityInterface)
      Returns an instance of provider for the model or null if storage provider based on the model doesn't implement capabilityInterface.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Required capability interface type
      model - StorageProviderModel obtained from database/storage
      capabilityInterface - class of desired capabilityInterface. For example, GroupLookupProvider or UserQueryProvider
      an instance of type T or null if storage provider based on the model doesn't exist or doesn't implement the capabilityInterface.
    • getStorageProviderInstance

      protected <T> T getStorageProviderInstance(StorageProviderModelType model, Class<T> capabilityInterface, boolean includeDisabled)
      Returns an instance of provider for the model or null if storage provider based on the model doesn't implement capabilityInterface.
      model - StorageProviderModel obtained from database/storage
      capabilityInterface - class of desired capabilityInterface. For example, GroupLookupProvider or UserQueryProvider
      includeDisabled - If set to true, the method will return also disabled providers.
      an instance of type T or null if storage provider based on the model doesn't exist or doesn't implement the capabilityInterface.
    • getStorageProviderModels

      public static Stream<ComponentModel> getStorageProviderModels(RealmModel realm, Class<? extends Provider> storageType)
      Stream of ComponentModels of storageType.
      realm - Realm.
      storageType - Type.
      Stream of ComponentModels